Peer-reviewed publications
Here below are articles, books, and book chapters where data from ICENES are used, either focusing on Iceland or as a part of comparative electoral research.
If a reference is missing or will be added in the future, please contact the ICENES steering committee ( to report published peer-reviewed material where data from ICENES is used. The list below will be updated appropriately.
The research below is in reverse chronological order.
Peer-reviewed publications (books, articles & book chapters) |
Þórisdóttir, Hulda, Agnar Freyr Helgason, Eva h. Önnudóttir, Jón Gunnar Ólafsson & Ólafur Þ. Harðarson. 2024. Lognmolla í ólgusjó: Alþingiskosningarnar 2021 og kjósendur í áranna rás. Háskólaútgáfan. |
Einarsson, Hafsteinn, Alexandru Cernat, and Natalie Shlomo. 2024. “The Effects of Framing the Survey Request and Using Targeted Appeals on Participation in Cross-Sectional Surveys.” Field Methods 36 (3): 187–205. |
Einarsson, Hafsteinn. 2024. “Áhrif Blandaðrar Gagnaöflunar á Brottfall í Íslensku Kosningarannsókninni 2021.” Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration 20 (1): 139–56. |
Helgason, Agnar Freyr, Ólafur Þ. Harðarson, Jón Gunnar Ólafsson, Eva H. Önnudóttir og Hulda Þórisdóttir. 2022. „Electoral politics after the crisis: Change, fluctuations and stability in the 2021 Althingi Election.“ Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 18(1): 1-26. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2022.18.1.1 |
Gethin, Amory, Cara Martínez-Toledano and Thomas Piketty. 2021. Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities: A Study of Fifty Democracies, 1948–2020. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. |
Önnudóttir, Eva H., Helgason, Agnar F., Harðarson, Ólafur Þ., and Þórisdóttir, Hulda. 2021. Electoral Politics in Crisis after the Great Recession: Change, Fluctuations and Stability in Iceland. Routledge. |
Önnudóttir, Eva H. and Ólafur Þ. Harðarson. 2020. “Party identification: Political systems and voters.” In Research Handbook on Political Partisanship. Edited by Oscarsson, Henrik and Holmberg, Sören. Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Halldórsson, E.B. and Önnudóttir, E.H. (2019). Kosningaþátttaka ungs fólks á Íslandi, kynslóðabil, áhugi á stjórnmálum og flokkshollusta. Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration, 15 (2), 229-254. DOI: Link: |
Ómarsdóttir, Silja B. and Auður L. Erlingsdóttir. 2019. “Iceland’s Radical Left” in The Handbook of the Radical Left Parties in Europe, edited by Fabien Escalona, Luke March and Mathieu Vieira. Palgrave. |
Ómarsdóttir, Silja B. and Viktor O. Valgarðsson. 2019. “Anarchy in Iceland? The Global Left, Pirates and Socialists in Post-Crash Icelandic Politics.” Globalizations, 17(5): 840-853. doi: 10.1080/14747731.2020.1722496 |
Otjes, Simon. 2019. “All on the same boat? Voting for pirate parties in comparative perspective.” Politics, 40(1): 1-16. Doi: 10.1177/0263395719833274 Link: |
Stiers, Dieter. 2019. “Retrospective Voting on the Party Level: an Icelandic Test.” Scandinavian Political Studies, 42(1): 73-83. Doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12132 Link: |
Valgarðsson, Viktor Orri. 2019. “Turnout Decline in Western Europe: Apathy or Alienation?” PhD thesis, University of Southampton. Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2018. “Iceland: Political development and data for 2017.” European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 57(1): 135-141. doi: 10.1111/2047-8852.12222 Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Önnudóttir, Eva H. 2018. “Election report Iceland.” Scandinavian Political Studies, 41(2): 233-237. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12112 Link: |
Helgason, Agnar F. 2018. “The Great Recession and new class voting in Iceland.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 14(3): 159-182. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2018.14.3.1 |
Ómarsdóttir, Silja B. 2018. “Icelanders’ perspectives on security and foreign affair.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 14(2): 1-18, doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2018.14.2.1 |
Önnudóttir, Eva H. and Ólafur Þ. Harðarson. 2018. “Political cleavages, party voter linkages and the impact of voters’ socio-economic status on vote-choice in Iceland, 1983-2016/17.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, special issue on power and democracy in Iceland, 101-130. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2018.14.1.5 |
Önnudóttir, Eva. H. and Ólafur Þ. Hardarson. 2018. “Public opinion and politics in Scandinavia.” In The Routledge Handbook of Scandinavian Politics. Edited by Peter Nedergaard and Anders Wivel. London: Routledge |
Vilhelmsdóttir, Sjöfn. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2018. “Political trust in Iceland: Performance or politics?” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 14(1): 211-234. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2018.14.1.10. |
Eyþórsson, Grétar. and Önnudóttir, Eva H. 2017. “Abstainers’ reasoning for not voting: The Icelandic local government election 2014.“ Íslenska þjóðfélagið, 8(1): 23-42. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2017. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research – Political Data Yearbook, 56(1). doi: 10.1111/2047-8852.12173. Link: |
Helgason, Agnar F. and Vittorio Mérola. 2017. “Employment Insecurity, Incumbent Partisanship, and Voting Behavior in Comparative Perspective.” Comparative Political Studies, 50(7): 1489-1523. doi: 10.1177/0010414016679176 Link: |
Indriðason, Indriði H., Eva H. Önnudóttir, Hulda Þórisdóttir and Ólafur Þ. Harðarson. 2017. “Re-electing the culprits of the crisis?: Elections in the aftermath of a recession.” Scandinavian Political Studies, 40(2): 157-181. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12081 Link: |
Önnudóttir, Eva H., Hermann Schmitt, and Ólafur Þ. Harðarson. 2017. “Critical election in the wake of an economic and political crisis: Realignment of Icelandic party voters?” Scandinavian Political Studies, 40(2): 157-181. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12085 Link: |
Erlingsson, Gissur. Ó. and Gunnar. H. Kristinsson. 2016. “Measuring corruption: whose perceptions should we rely on? Evidence from Iceland.“ Icelandic Review of Political Studies, 12(2): 215-236. Doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2016.12.2.2 |
Erlingsson, Gissur Ó, Jonas Linde and Richard Öhrvall. 2016. “Distrust in Utopia? Public Perceptions of Corruption and Political Support in Iceland before and after the Financial Crisis of 2008.” Government and Opposition 51(4): 553-579. Doi: 10.1017/gov.2014.46 |
Helgason, Agnar F. 2016. “Income-Based Voting and Polarization Over Redistribution Under Alternative Electoral Systems.” Electoral Studies, 42:22-32. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2016.01.005 Link: |
Önnudóttir, Eva H. 2016. “The “Pots and Pans” protests and requirements for responsiveness of the authorities.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 12(2): 195-214. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2016.12.2.1 |
Þórisdóttir, Hulda. 2016. “The left-right landscape over time: The view from a Western-European multi-party democracy. In Bridging the ideological divide. Edited by J. Graham. og P. Valdesolo. London: Blackwell |
Indriðason, Indriði H. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2015. “Primary consequences: The effects of candidate selection through party primaries in Iceland.” Party Politics, 21(4): 565-576. doi: 10.1177/1354068813487117 Link: |
Bengtsson, Å, K.M. Hansen, Ó. Þ. Harðarson, H. M. Narud and H. Oscarsson. 2014. The Nordic Voter: Myths of Exceptionalism. Colchester: ECPR Press |
Bergsson, Baldvin, Þ. 2014. “Political parties and Facebook: A study of Icelandic political parties and their social media usage.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 10(2): 339-366. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2014.10.2.8 |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2014. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 53:155-161. doi: 10.1111/2047-8852.12052/epdf. Link: |
Indriðason, Indriði H. 2014. “The Collapse: Economic Considerations in Vote Choice in Iceland.” Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties, 24(2): 134-159. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2014.889699 Link: |
Arter, David. 2013. Scandinavian politics today. Manchester: Manchester University Press. |
Kristinsson, Gunnar H., Indriði H. Indriðason og Viktor O. Valgarðsson. 2012. “Hvað voru kjósendur að hugsa? Forsetakosningar á Íslandi 2012.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 2(8):221-244. |
Þórisdóttir, Hulda. 2012. “The left-right dimension in the minds of Icelandic voters 1987-2009.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 8(2): 199-220. Link: |
Indriðason, Indriði H. and Svanur Kristjánsson. 2011. “Dramatic Shifts.” In The Madisonian Turn: Political Parties and Parliamentary Democracy in Nordic Europe. Edited by T. Bergman og K. Strom. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press. |
Önnudóttir, Eva H. and Ólafur Þ. Harðarson 2011. “Policy performance and satisfaction with democracy.” Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, 7(2): 411-429. doi: 10.13177/irpa.a.2011.7.2.11. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2010. “Iceland.” In Elections in Europe. Edited by D. Nohlen and P. Stöver, 947-986. Baden-Baden: Nomos. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2010. “The parliamentary election in Iceland, April 2009.” Electoral Studies, (29(3): 523-526. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2010.04.011 Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 2009. “Óánægðir lýðræðissinnar: Afstaða Íslendinga til lýðræðis.” In Research in Social Science X. Félagsráðgjafadeild og stjórnmálafræðideild. Edited by Halldór Sig. Guðmundsson and Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2008. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research, 47(7-8): 1005-1011. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2008.00818.x Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 2008. “Media and Politics in Iceland.” In Communicating Politics: Political Communication in the Nordic Countries. Edited by J. Strömback, M. Örsten and T. Aalberg, 63-82. Gautaborg: Nordicom. |
Kristinsson, Gunnar Helgi. 2008. Íslenska stjórnkerfið. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2007. “The parliamentary election in Iceland, May 2007.” Electoral Studies, 27(2): 373-377. doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2007.12.009 Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 2006. “Republic of Iceland.” In World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties. Edited by N. Schlager and J. Weisblatt, 569-580. New York: Facts on File Publications. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Einar M. Þórðarson. 2005. “Kjósendur á vergangi? Flokkshollusta íslenskra kjósenda.” In Research in Social Science VI. Edited by Úlfar Hauksson, 539-548. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 2005. “Kjósendur og stéttir á Íslandi 1983-2003.” In Research in Social Science VI. Edited by Úlfar Hauksson, 613-625. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2004. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research, 43(7-8): 1024-1029. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2004.00195.x Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 2004. “Vinna flokkar eða foringjar kosningar?” In Research in Social Science V. Edited by Úlfar Hauksson, 809-824. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 2000. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research, 38(3-4): 408-419. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 2002. “The Icelandic Electoral System 1844-1999.” In The Evolution of Electoral and Party Systems in the Nordic Countries. Edited by A. Lijphart and B. Grofman, 101-166. New York: Agathon Press. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 1999. “The 1999 Parliamentary election in Iceland.” Electoral Studies, 20(1): 325-330. doi: 10.1016/S0261-3794(00)00039-1 Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1999. “Iceland.” In World Encyclopedia of Political Parties and Systems, 3. ed. Edited by G. E. Delury and D. A. Kaple, 473-482. New York: Facts on File Publications. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1998. “Public Opinion and Iceland´s Western Integration.” Conference paper at the Conference on the Nordic Countries and the Cold War: Perspectives and Interpretations, Reykjavík. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1997. “Kjör þjóðhöfðingja: Geta Íslendingar lært af Írum?” Íslensk félagsrit, 7-9: 87-99. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1996. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research, 30(3-4): 367-376. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1995. “Flokkar og kjósendur.” In Research in Social Science. Edited by Friðrik H. Jónsson, 317-328. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun og Hagfræðistofnun. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1995. Parties & Voters in Iceland: A study of the 1983 and 1987 Althingi Elections. Reykjavík: University of Iceland |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1992. “Iceland.” European Journal of Political Research, 22(4): 429-435. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. and Gunnar H. Kristinsson. 1987. “The Icelandic parliamentary election of 1987.” Electoral Studies 6(3): 219-234. Doi: 10.1016/0261-3794(87)90033-3 Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1989. Íslendingar og öryggismálin. Reykjavík: Öryggismálanefnd. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1988. “Almanna opinionen i Island om fred og sakerhet.” In Fred och förtroande. Edited by R. Lindahl and K. Lindgren, 21-30. Stockholm: Nordsam. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1987. “Drottna fjölmiðlar í kjörklefanum?” Samfélagstíðindi. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1986. “Iceland.” In World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties. Edited by G.E. Delury, 468-478. New York: Facts on File Publications. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1985. “Icelandic Security and Foreign Policy: The Public Attitude.” Cooperation and Conflict, no. 4:297-316. doi: 10.1177/001083678502000404 Link: |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1984. Viðhorf Íslendinga til öryggis- og utanríkismála. Reykjavík: Öryggismálanefnd. |
Harðarson, Ólafur Þ. 1983. “Kosningar, flokkar og lýðræði.” Samfélagstíðindi. |
Theses (BA, BSc, MA, MSc and equivalent) |
Bachmann, Emilía B. Í.. 2020. „Flokkaröðun kjósenda: Samræmi milli afstöðu til málefna og greiddra atkvæða í alþingiskosningum 1995-2017“ BA-thesis,University of Iceland. |
Halldórsson, Eiríkur B. 2019. “Lækkandi kosningaþátttaka á Íslandi: Kynslóð latra kjósenda?” BA-thesis, University of Iceland. Link: |
Ómarsson, Daði. 2019. “Popúlismi í íslenskum stjórnmálum: Sýna Miðflokkur, Flokkur fólksins og Píratar popúlísk einkenni?” BA-thesis, University of Iceland. |
Sigurjónsdóttir, Ásdís Jóna. 2019. “Seinþroski kjósenda: Eru kjósendur lengur að fullorðnast en áður?” MPA-thesis, University of Iceland. |
Kristjánsson, Guðjón and Ragnarsson, Hafsteinn. 2018. “Pólitísk skautun í íslensku samfélagi: Samhugur og aðgreining.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. |
Sigurbjörnsson, Stefán R. 2017. “Kratar í kreppu: Greining á stöðu Samfylkingarinnar 1999 til 2017.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. |
Þórólfsdóttir, Sonja S. 2017. “Samfélagsmiðlar og mótmæli: Hvernig nýtast samfélagsmiðlar til mótmæla.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. Link: |
Harðardóttir, Lilja S. 2016. “Þjónusta sveitarfélaga og ánægjumælingar: Hvað skýrir ánægjumun íbúa í útverfum og miðlægari hverfum með þjónustu Reykjavíkurborgar?” MPA- thesis, University of Iceland. Link: |
Skúladóttir, Fanney. 2016. “Minnkandi kjörsókn: Hvaða þættir hafa áhrif á þátttöku almennings í kosningum?” MPA- thesis, University of Iceland. |
Aðalsteinsson, Böðvar and Bollason, Dagur. 2015. “Íslenskir verktakar og útboð veitarfélaga: Frændhygli, klíkuskapur og vinagreiðar.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. |
Björnsson, Sverrir F. 2014. “Ávinningur kosningaherferða: Áhrif aðgerða stjórnmálaflokka fyrir alþingiskosningar 2013.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. |
Arnórsdóttir, Kristín. 2013. “Stuðningsmenn stjórnmálaflokka á Íslandi: Hegðun, áhugi og skoðanir.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. Link: |
Gísladóttir, Jóhanna. 2013. “Fjarvera hægri öfgaflokks í íslenska flokkakerfinu: Sérstaða Íslands í norrænu samhengi.” BA-thesis, University of Iceland. |
Valgarðsson, Viktor O. 2012. “Íslenskir áttavitar: Þýðing hægri og vinstri í íslenskum stjórnmálum.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. Link: |
Bogason, Ágúst. 2011. “Afstaða til lýðræðis og þátttaka í mótmælum.” BA-thesis, University of Iceland. Link: |
Þórðarson, Einar Mar. 2003. “Lifir fjórflokkurinn?: Uppstokkun á vinstri væng stjórnmálanna, hefur eitthvað breyst?.” BA- thesis, University of Iceland. |
Marinósdóttir, M.H. 1999. “Mikilvægi málefna: Áherslur stjórnmálaflokka á málefni fyrir Alþingiskosningar 1999.” BA-thesis, University of Iceland. |